Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/645

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1912. kL B J EOT INDEX.


St. Sepulchre, London, registers of, 309

St. Werburgh, Office of, MS., c. 1188, 354, 453

St. "Wilfrid's needle, Fuller quoted in ' Ripon

Guide,' 32 St. Wilhelmina, patron saint of mothers, 428


Saints' Garden, flowers named after saints, 128 Salamanca, battle, 1812, Capt. G. Stubbs killed, 5< " Salamander " =heavy blow, origin of the mean

ing, 12 Salusbury-Brereton (Owen), his biography, 250

318 Salute, naval: Britain's claim to slute on the

seas, 86 Samaritan version of the Pentateuch, zodiaca

sign in, 28, 116

" Samhowd," meaning of the word, 99, 156 Sancroft family, 209

Sanctuary seats, their whereabouts, 368, 473 Sanskrit and the Welsh language, 509 Sardinian Archway, removal of, 267, 351, 378

400 Sarum Missal, MS. additions, 1504, 163, 233, 354


Saurians in English poetry, 67 Savage (Philip), Chancellor of the Exchequer

d. 1717, 37

Saxe-Altenburg (Friedrich, Duke of), his genea- logy, 368

Schaak, 1766. artist, his nationality, 507 Scilly Isles, political prisoners sent to, c. 1700,


Scott (Sir W.), and holed bridal stones, 54; mistake in * The Antiquary,' 188, 293 ; two

readings in ' The Pirate,' 227

Scottish language, English bards and the, 266, 397 Sculpture, top-hat and bowler in, 146, 233, 295,


Scurr family of Malton, Yorkshire, 50 Sea, longevity on the borders of the, 330 Seal of Giggleswick School, 68, 139 Sedley (Catherine) and the Churchill family, 47 Selby (Yorks), Peculiar Court, 372, 438 Selkirk family, 109, 236, 375 Serjeant, " Prime Serjeant," official Irish title,

c. 1750, 77, 297

Sermons, Dean Stanley's, on Easter Day, 229 Seymour (Henry), d. 1805, his marriage, 389,

515 Shakespeare (William), and Italian literature, 25 ;

his use of the first person, 65 ; his sonnets

and Marlowe, 190 ; his signatures, 490 Shakespeare (William) of Mansfield, 156], 450 Shakespeares in Coventry parish registers, 1583-

1664, 24, 105, 406 Shakespeariana : ' Macbeth,' IV. i., " Black

spirits and white," 180; 'Hamlet,' I. ii.,

"Funeral bak'd meats " in 1628, 307 Shaw (Robert) of Bawtry, C.-1750, 429 Sheffield cutlery in 1820, B'rench book on, 78

  • Shepherd's Calendar,' 1496, printers of, 368

Shepherd's Market, Mayfair, c. 1824, 228, 318, 354 Shepherds' rings, history of, 309 " Shieve," meaning of the word, 449 Ships lost in Great Storm, 1703, 348 " Shire," correct use of the suffix, 368, 495 ;

derivation of the word, 486 Shire, " stolen shire " of Ireland, 468 Shoe-horns decorated by R. Mindum, c. 1605, 8 Shoes and death, proverb about, 249, 377 ' Shotover Papers ; or, Echoes from Oxford,'

1874-5, 409, 512 Shropshire adventurers, 1829, 329, 453

Sibbering family, 290, 416

Sidney family and Lord Byron, 268, 378

Signatures of Shakespeare, 490

Signs of old London, allusions to, 286, 416

Six Clerks' Office, name explained 188, 337

Skating in the Middle Ages, 27, 98, 276

" Skivvy "=a servant, origin of slang word, 288,


Skulls, human, as drinking-cups, 325 " Sleeveless errand," meaning of the phrase, 445 Slodgers, " fen slodgers," Macaulay on, 348,


" Slook," edible seaweed, 55 Smith (Baker Peter), author, 330, 437 Smith (Harvey), his descendants, 348 Smith (Horace and James), centenary of ' Re- jected Addresses.' 165 Smoking in public-houses, in seventeenth century,


Smoking by women, 1621, 177, 267, 297, 397 Snake poison, chemical formula and use of, 388,


Snake poisoned by a man's blood, 386 Snuff-box, silver, date of, 49 Soldiers going into action naked, 115. 195 " S6ne," meaning of the word, 270, 353

Songs and Ballads:

As I was going to Temple Bar, 257, 336 Ballad of Lord Bateman, 147 Coaching songs, 369, 495 Go back to Brummagem ! Go back to Brum- magem ! 88, 172, 220, 237, 337 Hush, ye pretty warbling choir, 370, 472 Koantik he marionik, 449 Lillibullero, 1686, 28, 111, 194, 333 Little Dicky looked over his left shoulder, 406 Lord Lovel he stood at his castle gate, 330 My own Araminta, say Xo, 169, 272 O, glorious Cam, 388 Pishoken, 509

Rule, Britannia, 309, 415, 516 Song of a Buck, 1686. 107 Sonnet by Joachim du Bellay, 1524-60, 25 Southwell, stone "Black Bear," at, 369 Spanish titles granted to Irishmen, 69, 132 Spenser (Edmund), and Dante, 33 ; Concordance in preparation, 1872, 48 ; his historical errors, 248, 358 ; epigram of, 269 ; his location in 1592, 310, 417 Spicer (H.), his ' A White Hand and a Black

Thumb,' 517 Spider stories, 34

Spira, capture of, 1633, its situation, 429 " Spirit,' Huxley's allusion to the word, 189 " Sportsman " Hotels, list of, 269 Spurrier-gate, hamlet of Yorkshire, 150, 234 Spy, Turkish, in Paris, c. 1642, 489 Staff , curious, ebony and silver, 1803, 49, 138, 237.

See also Staves. Stanley (Dean), his Easter Day sermons, 229 Stanton (E. M.), U.S. Secretary of War, and

Dickens, 344, 452

Statues : equestrian, removed from Cavendish Square, 58 ; in the British Isles, 62, 143, 481 ; piper in the Plague of London, 64, 153 ; George III. in Berkeley Square, 169 Staves, constables', elaborately painted, 1824,

288, 395

terrett, meaning of the surname, 328 Stewart family, Scotland and Ireland, 130 stockings, black and coloured, 38 stokes (Adrian) and Duchess of Suffolk, 26