Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/650

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1912.

Brownbill (J.) on hidage of Oxfordshire, 444.

" Wigesta," 18

Browning (W. E. ) on authors of quotations wanted, 154. Burial in woollen : " Colberteen," 37. J. B. : Letters to Lord Orrery, 57 Bull (P. W.) on Rev. Samuel Greatheed, 236 Bull (Sir W.) on families : duration in male line, 27 Bullen (B. Freeman) on Bichards of Bramley House, Suffolk, 177. Tanner (Thomas), Bishop of St. Asaph, 238

Bulloch (J. M.) on capture of Spira, 429. " Comte de Babktin," 305). Disaster at Bhe, 1627, 370. Georgiana, Duche*ss of Bedford, 306. Gordon- Archer, 488. Gordon (Col. Nathaniel) and Stratford, 289. Gordon (Counts of), 390. Gordon (James Newell), 508. Gordon ("Jimmy"), the Cambridge eccentric, 227. Gordon (Mrs.), actress, 9. Grierson family, 189. ' Lady Gordon,' by John Downman, 229. Morant's ' Campaign of Flanders,' 448. Boss of Balnagowan, 290. United Service Club and Pall Mall, 1

Burdon (C. S.) on boy (army) bandmaster, 356.

Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 145

JBurgoyne (Frank J.) on Bacon : register of birth,

374 Burke (Gertrude Lucie) on centenary of Sainte

Genevieve, 502

JBuss (Octavius) on Miss Buss and Miss Beale, 392 Butler (G. G.) on missing words wanted, 476 Butt (Walter) on Osmunderley, 270 JButterworth (Major S.) on " Sung by Beynolds in 1820," 237

C. (A. C.) on " Confounded red herrings," 377.

I'Anson, 416. Place-names, 413 . (E. D.) on " First day of winter," 489 C. (F. H.) on Count Dillon, 450. Sash windows


C. (F. J.) on dinner-jacket, 7 C. (G. T.) on lugubrious playing-card, 150 C. (J. H.) on Abbey of Aumone, 229. Locwella

Abbey, 149

C. (Leo) on arms of the Ghibellines, 477. Beau

clerk family, 389. Hancock as a place-name

428, 513. Heraldic charge : its meaning, 458

Mildenhall (John), 275

C. (M. A.) on " Memorable lady " : Meredith, 331

C. (S.) on Massacre of St. Bartholomew : medal

390 C. (S. D.) on bishops addressed as " My Lord," 36

Early women doctors, 187 C. (T. P.) on ' Cocke Lorelle's Bote,' 110 C. (W. A.) on Longfellow's sonnet on St. John'

Cambridge, 325. ' Rule, Britannia ' : text, 51(

C. (W. A. B.) on charter of Henry II. : date, 21

. (W. J.) on Grant of Duthil : Miller of Rottei

dam, 390. Literary Fund from 1850 to 1865


arey (T. W.) on Beauvoir, Normandy, and D

Belvoir, England, 88 Carruthers (W.) on bequest of Bibles : Lor

Wharton, 151 Carter (H. A.) on Stewart family, Scotland an

Ireland. 130

Carter (W.) on Pike of Market Harborough, 389 Chambers (L. H.) on Amersham rectors, 169 Bennetto, 13. Burke (William), M.P., 316 Clergy buried at Amersham, 169. ' Common wealth Mercury,' 306. Cumberland epitaph 210. Elstob (Charles), 337. Tooley Street Tooley family, 250

happell (E.) on Bunic calendar, 261, 285, 321, 363, 384, 403, 422

harles (F.) on " Boving Englishman," 469 hattopadhyaya (V.) on translations from Polish poets, 308

Christie (J.) on Byron's Aberdeen tutor, 167 ivis on " cinematograph " : " cinemacolor," ^lark (Andrew) on " Funeral bak'd meats " : 1 Hamlet,' 307. Poor students, 1569, 206. Tobacco: women smoking: 1621, 267 'larke (Cecil) on author wanted, 319. " Birch's," 186. ' Commonwealth Mercury,' 1658 : tea, 433, 517. Dickens : Mr. Magnus's spectacles, 178. Highgate Archway, 78. ' No Thorough- fare ' : Mr. J. Collins Francis's notes on Dickens, 414. Begent's Park : centenary, 107, 405. Shepherd's Market, Mayfair, 318. Vanish- ing London : the Sardinian Archway, 351 Clayton (Herbert B.) on boy (army) bandmaster, 228. King " over the water," 6. Mayhew (Henry) centenary, 145, 317, 433. Wellington's (Duke" of) stone coffin, 326 Clayton (J. B.) on Mary Wollstonecraft : 'Appeal

to the Men of England,' 389

Clements (H. J. B.) on battle of Bosworth, 469. Cleopatra's portrait, 176. Forlorn hope at Badajos, 394. Bailway travel : early impres- sions, 113 Boyal Charlotte, 229 'lippingdale (S. D.) on Corporation of London

and the medical profession, 13 Coldicott (A. C.) on Thomas Cromwell, 316 lollett (H. H.) on burial customs, 70 ollison-Morley (Lacy) on Batheaston vase and the Olympic games, 245. Casanova and the English Resident at Venice, 376 Compston (S.) on ballad of Lord Lovel and the Lady Nancy Bell, 330. Compston family : the name, 350 Connor (Miss A. T. ) on Thomas F. Erskine, 229 Coolidge (W. A. B.) on Abbey of Aum&ne, 375. Locwella Abbey, 236. Lucius, 138, 234, 335. ' Shotover Papers ; or, Echoes from Oxford,' 513. Urban V.'s family name, 476 Cooper (H.) on " skivvy " : " up," 288 Cooper (Lane) on authors of quotations wanted, 209. First person in Wordsworth and Shake- speare, 65

Cope (J. Hautenville) on arms for identification, 413. Authors of quotations wanted, 438. Poem: 'The Battle of Brimpton,' 389 Corfield (Wilmot) on Clive at Birmingham, 428. Gordon (Lord George) in ' Barnaby Budge,' 88. " Sung by Beynolds in 1820," 88 Corner (Susanna) on " Memorable lady " : George

Meredith, 431

Courtney (W. P.) on Bev. George, B.D., 381. 'Greatheed (Bev. Samuel), 71. Hood (Bobin), 95. Smith (Baker Peter), 437. Towns- end (James), M.P., 2 Crawley (J. A.) on ' Pishoken,' 509 Cresswell (Lionel) on American political verses, 210. Poe's (Edgar Allan) mother: Miss Elizabeth Arnold, 7

Cross-Crosslet on Leighton's ' British Crests,' 489

Crouch (C. Hall) on bells rung for King Charles's

execution, 113. Cosey Hall, Gloucestershire,

110. " De la " in English surnames : survival

of the prefix, 275. Jones and Blunkett, 117.

Scurr family of Malton, Yorkshire, 50

Crow (W. Boberts) on Bagenal : Hamilton, 328.

Ensor family, 328. B. B. : his identity, 28 Cummings (C. L.) on ' Catalogue of Honor,' 14. Cumberland epitaph, 372