Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/651

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1912.



Cummings (W. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, 518. " Hush, ye pretty warblin choir," 472. Musicians' epitaphs, 356. Nations Anthem, 355. Organists and longevity, 31C ' Kule, Britannia,' 415

Cupples (J. G.) on Dickens playhouse, 327

Curious on families : duration in male line, 474 Leyson family, 290. Sanskrit and Welsh, 509

Curry (J. T.) on Du Bellay, 96

Curtis (F. J.) on French grammars before 1750 313

Curtis (J.) on logic, 390. Pigtails, 188

Curwen ( J. Spencer) on Nottingham as a surname 237

D. (B. M.) on kings with special titles. 7 D. (H. W.) on Robin Hood, 29 D. (J.) on " Confounded red herrings," 288 Sachs's (Hans) poems, 167. " Satan rebuking sin," 330. Torrens, 289 D. (M. L.) on Saints' Garden, 128 D. (B.) on " totane," 366 D. (T.) on heralds' visitation, 249 D. (T. C.) on Joseph Richardson, an eighteenth- century bookseller, 148

D. (T. F.) on ' Lillibullero,' 194. Modern pro- nunciation : " idea," 367. Naval salute, 86 Dallas (J.) on Abercromby family, 489. Dallas 91 Liscombe, 507. Robinson, 507. St. Se- pulchre's registers, 309 Davey (H.) on Sir William Davenant's ' Enter- tainment at Rutland House,' 77 David (K. F.) on authors of quotations wanted,

449 Davies (A. Morley) on Penge as a place-name, 18.

Pepys's ' Diary ' : Braybrooke edition, 97 Davis (Joseph) on Brodribb of Somerset, 254 Davy (A. J.) on aviation, 115 Dawson (H. St. John) on Spurrier-gate, 150 Delafleld (J. Ross) on "De la" in English sur- names : survival of the prefix, 117 Denman (Arthur) on Society of the Clerks of

Assize, 281 Dickinson (H. W.) on Napoleon I. and Robert

Fulton, 228

Diego on authors of quotations wanted, 138. Howe (Sophia), 334. Selby (Yorks) Peculiar Court, 438 Dixon (Ronald) on destruction of a library at

Garge by Wellington's army, 506 Dobbs (E. Wilson) on Australian coat of arms,


Dodds (Edwin) on Cumberland epitaph, 372 Dodds (M. H.) on Jane Austen and the word

" manor," 412. Hamilton Hill, Lines, 468 Dodge (F. ) on Beazant family, 7 1 Doran (Alban) on no twin ever famous, 487 Douglas (W.) on coaching songs, 495 Dowling (J. N.) on James Brooke, 269. Burrows- Brooke, 288. ' Commonwealth Mercury,' 1658 : tea, 432

Drake (Wilfred) on arms for identification, 413 Druery (C. T.) on ' Gil Bias,' 27 Drury (C.) on biographical information wanted, 336. Drewrie (Robert), priest, executed at Tyburn, 25 Feb., 1607, 249, 476. Drury (Sir Robert), forfeiture of estate, 168 Duignan (W. H.) on Dowles, 501. Place-names,


Durand (Col. C. J.) on missing line wanted, 468 Dwight (T. F.) on grise : grey: badger, 172. Sonnet by Joachim du Bellay, 25

E. on Defoe : ' Royal Gin,' 228

E. (E. J. M.) on Dickens knockers, 111

E. (G. ) on Lord Barrymore : the white and gold theatre, 448. Convent of the Blue Nuns, Brompton, 427

Eden (F. Sydney) on Locwella Abbey, 236

Edinb. Univ. on Colkitto and Galasp, 195

Editor ' Irish Book Lover ' on Capt. Freney, 156. Loyal and Friendly Society of the Blue and Orange, 217

Edmunds (A. J.) on folk-lore note from Phila- delphia, 467. " Map of the Paths of Life," 329. Montaigne on the suppression of Tacitus, 127

Edwards (F. A.) on Camden Society: 'Long Ago,' 434. " Ethrog," 332. Grey (Lady Mary) and Thomas Keyes, 477. Neolithic remains : their geographical distribution, 471. Penleaze, 414.

El Soltero on Duchesse de Bouillon, 70. Paganel as a Christian name, 350

Ellis (A. S.) on families : duration in male line, 174. Fitzwilliam family, 312. Jennings case, 311

Ellis (H. D.) on authors of quotations wanted, 137. " Cheek," 366. Dickens : Mr. Magnus's spec- tacles, 106

Emeritus on author of song wanted, 272. Phases of culture, 168

Enquirer on apparent death, 428

F. (F. B.) on Osmunderley, 371 F. (G.) on ' Temple Bar ' : Casanova, 196 F. (J. T.) on I'Anson, 330. " In pomario quid- dam," 412. Organists and longevity, 315. Osmunderley, 370. " Our life is but a winter's day," 518. ' Pilgrim's Progress ' illustrated, 30. " Rood-loft," 376. St. Cuthbert : his birds, 48. " Samhowd," 156. Sarum Missal, 163, 233 F. (N. L.) on Batley Grammar School, Yorkshire,


F. (S. J. A.) on money-box, 50 Fairbrother (E. H.) on dangerous stove, 206:

Petition for a church flag, 487 Palzon (Paul L.) on reminiscences of Swinburne in D'Annunzio, 201. Shakespeare and Italian literature, 25 J"anshawe (H.) on West India Committee, 53 Mis on lairds of Drumminnor, 175 Ferrar (Major M. LI.) on Peter Plenderleath, 248. Walshe (Anthony), 248

igarola-Caneda (E.) on superfluity of books, 87 ^irebrace (C. W. ) on Collier family, 250 Tishwick (Col. H.) on Camden Society: 'Long Ago,' 434. Ireland's stolen shire, 468. Selby (Yorks) Peculiar Court, 372. " You may go look," 226

Fletcher (J. M. J.) on sugar-cupping at Easter, 265

lint (T.) on Carlyle's ' French Revolution ' in a French version, 306. Eckwald the Dwarf in Goethe, 329. " You have forced me to do this willingly," 377

loyer (F. A. ) on Caraccioli on Clive, 507 Folkard (G. de C.) on burial in woollen: " Col- bert een," 135. Del Vignes : Vines, 358 'oster (J.) on author wanted, 189. Epitaphiana,


_'oulet (Lucien) on Voltaire in England, 388 Fox (E. M.) on Duppa's or Dupper's Hill, Croydon, 469. ' Ecclesiastic,' 209