Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/649

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1913.



B. (VV. H.) on references wanted, 169

Baerlein (H.) on Miss Ingalls, 148

Bagenal (P. H.) on Bagenal, Bagnal. Bagnall, 291. Ryan, 428

Baker (C. T.) on Brawne, 508

Dakcr (E. A.) on ' Kentish Note-Book,' 76. Turkish spy in Paris, 55

Baldock (Major G. Yarrow) on Bedford bounds, Bloomsbury, 188. Chained books. 177, 373

Ball (F. Elrington) on Rev. Matthew Pilkington, 65

Barnard (E. A. B.) on churchyard inscriptions : list of transcriptions, 474

Barnard (H. C.) on Barnard family. 197

Barrow (T. H.) on Frances, Duchess of Suffolk, 77

Bayley (A. R.) on Abercrpmby family, 56. Ala- baster effigies, 277. Biographical 'information wanted, 415. Burial-place of Mary de Bohun, 313. Glbbins, 288. Greenstone, 378. Hardy (John) and Samuel Gauntlett, 356. Inscrip- tions on brasses : Cobham : CJere, 435. Keene (Charles) : article by George Moore, 236. Ken (Bishop), 373. Ken's (Bishop) birthplace, 145. Milton portrait by Samuel Cooper, 116. Mil- ton's ' Lycidas.' 395. Portrait of Sir Peter Lely, 413. Ralegh's (Sir Walter) descendants, 236. Segrave : de Segre, 374. Shakespeare on the pain of death, 93. Shakespeare's signa- tures, 437. Stampe (William), D.D., 96. Sterne and " Dr. Slop " (Burton of York), 376. Tregonwell (Mrs. Mary), 270. Tregonwell's (Sir John) Second Wife : George Marten, George Martyne, and James Marten, Winchester scholars, 454. Vicars of St. John the Baptist, Little Missenden, 278. Wood's (Anthony) ' Athenao Oxoniense?,' 381, 404. Wynn (Sir Watkin Williams) : the Prince of Wales, 276

Bayne (T.) on "aircraft": "turnout," 118. Author wanted, 95. Campbell (T.), c. 1729, 158. Casanova and Carlyle, 172. Dr. Fell : Martial, 37. " Hit " : tense in Chaucer, 72. Lifting the bride over the threshold, 232. ' Memoirs of Scriblerus,' 336. Milton's ' Lyci- daa,' 395. No twin ever famous, 433. Original " Uncle Tom," 493. Parnell's ' Old Beauty ' : a reading, 146. Royal George : name of Durham, 176. Shakespeare on the pain of death, 93. Shakespeare's signatures, 437. Two Scottish songs, 127

Beale (G. F. Tracy) on Benjamin Beale of Kent : his bathing machines, 88. Beale (Sir John) of Kent : his baronetcy, 108

Beaumont (E.) on dogs on tombs, 195

Beaven (Alfred B.) on monuments in old City church, 54. Oxford Jacobite plot, 174. Pen- leaze, 33. Stewart (James Pattion). 158

Beazant (H.) on Baldwin's Gardens, Holboru, 15

Bedwell (C. E. A.) on third pennies, 233

Beer (W.) on Antonio de Ulloa, 28

Bell (Walter) on London sanctuaries : Ram Alley, 372

Bellewes (E. M.) on Drogo, Count of the Vexin, 107

Bensly (E.) on authors of quotations wanted, 35, 414". Authors wanted, 338. Best company consists of five persons, 254. Browne (Sir Thomas) : quotation from Ptolemy, 97. " trensls (Stephani Roderici) Lvsitani ann. zetat. Ixxviii.," 135. Early French players in Eng- land, 278. Erasmus or Tinclale, 337. Favell (Samuel), 352. Great Glemham. cb. Suffolk, 457. Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, 272. Johnson's (Dr.) copies of Burton's ' Anatomy

of Melancholy,' 390. Latin quotations, 227, 312. Lifting the bride over the threshold, 232. Milton portrait by Samuel Cooper, 116. " Nulla non donanda lauru," 418. Pagan customs, 370. Quotations in Jeremy Taylor, 45, 361. Refer- ences in ' Marius the Epicurean,' 335. Refer- ences wanted, 118, 434. " Regium prseceptuiu Scaligeri," 397. " Sex horas somno," 474. Stones of London, 515. "Visto" = " Vista," 95. Voltaire in England, 15

Benton (G. Montagu) on consecration crosses on the outside walls of churches, 451. Winnower, 376

Beta on American Livingstones, 307

Sevan (A. T.) on ' Kentish Note- Book,' 76

Beveridge (H.) on Sir William Jones's "on parent knees " quatrain, 21. Perm (William) or George Penne, 49

Bhd (W. H. B.) on Sir John Prisot, Chief Justice, 187

Bladud on " Nulla non donanda lauru," :!7u. Pitman (Capt.), 513

Blagg (T. M.) on place of deposit of wills, 253

Blair (Sir D. O. Hunter). See Hunter-Blair.

Bleackley (Horace) on Casanova and the English Resident, at Venice, 53. Casanoviana, 4

Boase (Frederic) on Henry Hunt Piper, 176

Bolland (W. C.) on Chancellors of York Minster, 475. Rites of the Church, 514. Skeat (Prof.) on " notch," 427

Botany on plants in poetry : identification wanted, 191

Boyce (C.) on tale of monasticism in the thir- teenth century, 389

Bradbrook (W.) on apparent death, 16, 193

Bradley (H.) on " let severely alone," 228. Two " ghost-words " in recent dictionaries, 407

Brassington (W. Salt) on Shakespeare's signatures, 72

Breslar (M. L. R.) on "broker," 234. Burial at midnight, 414. Heine and the Japanese, 346. Hoppner's birthplace in Whitechapel, 70. " Morgenstunde hat Gold im Munde," 117. Poet's Road, Canonbury, 74. Pope's ' Iliad ' : price received, 509

Broadley (A. M.) on medals relating to John Wilkes, 387

Bromby (E. H.) on Brodribb, 97

Brown (W. B.) on text of Shakespeare's Sonnets CXXV. and CXXV1., 446

Browning (W. E.) on author of quotation want oil, 116

Bullen (R. Freeman) on Quarles family, 153

Bulloch (J. M.) on analyzing the water of the Dead Sea, 488. Dingwall family, 11. Gordon, deaf and dumb instructor, 448. Gordon of Glenbucket, 33. Gordon's (Adam LindM y . fate, 245, 312. Jacobites' French engineer, 130. Oxford Jacobite plot, 90. Surname Torn, 427

Bullock (Willoughby) on Clifford's Inn ; 446

Burdon (C, S.) on Sir Walter Scott and Free- masonry, 146

Burke (G. Lucie) on Christmas and New Year in Paris, 481

C'. (A.> on detached portions of counties, 69i C. (A. C. ) on author wanted, 95. Bengewort b. ~'l. Chained books, 136. Church ales : church- wardens' accounts, 74. " Communion Ivilpens,'