Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 6.djvu/650

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AUTHORS INDL<X. Noteg and Q uer ies, Jan. 25, 1913.

308. Detached portions of counties, 234. " Excorse," 386. " Finstall," 511. Maidens' garlands, 335. Milton's ' Lycidas,' 395. Plants in poetry, 357. " Pomander," 214. Secret service, 430. Seymour (Mary), 173. " Spoil- ing the ship for a ha'porth of tar," 54. " The devil owed him a service," 169. Torches : " pepper for Dirige," 473. Trussel family, 216. Weather rime, 176

C. (F. H.) on consecration crosses on the outside walls of churches, 451. Maidens' garlands, 412. Morison (Arthur D.), 389

O. (G.) on " Morgenstunde hat Gold im Munde," 118. Quotations in Jeremy Taylor, 128

. (H.) on John Hardy and Samuel Gauntlet t, 356. Ken (Bishop), 374

C. (.T. D.) on Miss Coghlan of Bath painted by Gainsborough, 386

C. (Leo) on Broadbent place-name, 186. Denton (Robert), 274, 318. Fitzwilliam and Grimaldi arms, 256, 397. Hewer of Clapham, 37. Italian genealogy, 375. Long " S," date of disappear- ance, 386. St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, 289. Spoons as a pledge of ownership, 429. Trus- sells and Swynnertons, 312. Woodville family, 296

C. (M. A.)on " Morgenstunde hat Gold im Munde," 118. Plants in poetry, 254

C. (B.) on author wanted, 29

C. (R. B.) on " dish " of tea, 494

C. (S.) on name of book wanted, 131

C. (S. D.) on lifting the bride over the threshold, 232. Sacred wells, 311. Turkish spy in Paris, 55

C. (S. M. E.) on dedication of Nonconformist chapels, 193"

Carey (T. W.) on Segrave : de Segre", 271

Carey (W. J.) on " Bite bigger, Billy," 94

Catena on Shakespeare of Waltham-in-the-Wold, 429

Chambers (L. H.) on churchyard inscriptions : list of transcriptions, 354. Epitaphs, 270. Fireback : relic of 1660, 230. Purdy or Purdue (William), bellfounder, circa 1567, 249. Vicars of St. John the Baptist, Little Missenden, 209

Chambers (B. W.) on ' Widsith,' 1. 18, and " Gautigoth," 271

Charteris (Evan) on " Nolkejumskoi " : William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, 410

Chippindall (Col. W. H.) on T. Chippendale, upholsterer, 407

Church (Sir Arthur H.) on " Pomander," 214

Clariores e Tenebris on Irish parish registers, 110. Sheffield family, 50. Silk Weavers' Company, Dublin, 30

Clark (Andrew) on gift of gloves, &c., at funerals, 7

Clarke (Cecil) on Gardner prints and drawings of Old London, 432. Nightingale (Florence), 77. Ralegh's (Sir Walter) descendants, 356. Re- gent's Park centenary, 98. Royal Exchange, 398. Vanishing London : proprietary chapels,


Clayton (Herbert B. ) on Joseph Fussell, a forgotten

water-colourist, 145, 314. Mayhew (Henry)

centenary : aniline dyes, 71 Cloke (C. W. S. R.) on Great Glemham, co. Suffolk,


Cocks (C. Somers) on descent of Darnley, 488 Coles (J.), Jun., on Brodribb of Somerset: Sir

Henry Irving, 32 Colonist on claim to a title, 349 Compston (S.) on ballad of Lord Lovel, 171

Coolidge (W. A. B.) on capture of Spira, 53. Hanwell: Brewerne Abbey, 177, 311. Knights of Malta : Grand Master Vilhena, 34. New- come (Bichard), Vicar of Hursley, 198. Oliver- etto, 372. Bichelieu (Cardinal Alphonse de), 96 'ooper (H.) on German proverb : silks in the kitchen, 168. " Morgenstunde hat Gold im Munde," 49, 195. " Schreib dir's hinter das Ohr," 455

'ooper (Lane) on " Visto "=" Vista," 437

Cope (J. Hautenville) on burial-place of Mary de Bohun, 211. Hanwell : Brewerne Abbey, 110. Irish families, 427. Third pennies, 170

Cope (Mrs.) on Robert Burdett, Alderman of Ix.mdon, died 1677-8, 90. Cromwellian mar- riages in Ireland, 149. Ii'ish genealogy, 249. Moira (Earl of), 249

Corbett (A. M.) on authors of quotations wanted, 90

Corfield (Wilmot) on Madame Vige"e le Brun's portrait of la Princesse de Talleyrand, 67. Calcxitta statues and memorials, 41, 104, 163, 204. Turpin's (Dick) ride to York, 257

Corio (Silvio) on Corio, Victoria, Australia, 190

Cotterell (S.) on Major W 7 m. O'Bryan Taylor, 310

Coup de Soleil on solah topee or pith helmet, 290, 307

Courtney (W. P.) on James Brooke, 131. Gore (Charles) of Weimar, 402, 423. Penneck (Bev. Bichard), 101. Wordsworth's friend Jones, 211

Crawley (J. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 368. ' Gammer Gurton,' 368

Cree (Arthur W.) on pagan customs and institu- tions, 250. References in ' Marius the Epi- curean,' 189. References wanted, 309

Crocker (M.) on Royal Tunbridge Wells, 408

Crook (W. M.) on authors of quotations wanted, 414

Crooke (W.) on earth-eating, 397. Solah topee or pith helmet, 377

Cross-Crosslet on inscription in parish chxirch of St. Mary, Llanfair-Waterdine, 94

Crow (W.' Roberts) on Scottish mercenaries in Norway, 269

Culleton (Leo) on Hancock as a place-name, 213

Cummings (C. L.) on throwing balls in church on Easter Monday, 196

Cummings (W. H.) on Belshazzar's Feast, 496. Handel's compositions and the Triennial Festi- vals, 235

Curious on families : duration in male line, 156. Heraldic, 70

Curry (J. T.) on " employee," 411. " Pot- boiler," 216. " Visto "=" Vista," 27, 268

Curtis (J.) on " According to Cocker," ^ 176. " Employee," 146. " Si jeunesse savait," 136. Turpin's (Dick) pistol, 107

Cutler (E.) on Shakespeare on the pain of death, 28


D. (C.) on Hogg on Scott, 248. ' Lady Bark,'

by David Ferguson, 349

D. (C. E.) on eighteenth-century murder, 249 D. (H. C.) on ivory seal found in New Guinea,

469 D. (H. L. L.) on Denny, de Deene, and Windsor

families, 417

D. (S.) on W. Willis Moseley, 370 D'Aubeney (E. K.) on families : duration in male

line, 156