Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/216

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. v. MABOH 17, im

Dupleix, and successfully accomplished the purpose of the embassy. By this time he appears to have established for himself a name as an astute ambassador and a clear- headed man of affairs. In 1756 the Nabob of the Carnatic asked to see Robert Palk on some political matters. In October, 1758, he sailed for England. During the time he was em- ployed politically, ana as Paymaster in Camp, he appears to have regularly performed his duties as chaplain. The fact that Robert Palk was only in deacon's orders is mentioned in Hough's ' Christianity in India.'


Garrison Chaplain. Fort St. George.

WE must request correspondents desiring infor- mation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be addressed to them direct.

" To JIPPER A JOINT." In ' The Fortunes of Nigel,' chap, xxx., Sir Mungo Malagrowther, comparing the merits of two artists in muti- lation, says, " He was a dexterous fellow that Derrick. This man Gregory is not fit to jipper a joint with him." What is the precise meaning of "jippering a joint'"?



REFRAIN OF POEM. Some weeks ago I pub- lished, in the Sphere, a song, the refrain of which is "Storm along, John." I do not think that I invented this refrain ; but, on the other hand, I cannot find an author for it, nor say how, where, or when I found it. My predicament is that of such of my friends as are within wrangling distance. If you can resolve the difficulty, you will renew the har- mony of a perplexed and troubled circle.


" COLLY." Could any of your readers kindly inform me of the meaning of the word Colly which appears in several Devon- shire place-names 1 Does it mean " water " or "river" 1 ? South-East Devon has a river called the Colly ; and we find a Colliford on another small stream in Central Devonshire ; a Collipriest on the Exe, near Tiverton ; and a Collybeer and a Collibear, near the source and the mouth, respectively, of the Taw.

H. C. C.

KELLET FAMILY. I am desirous of informa- tion respecting the above, numerous members of which were residentin Lancashire in the six-

teenth and seventeenth centuries, and respect- ing oneof whom, Ed ward Kellet, D.D., a query by CROSS FLEURY appeared in * N. & Q.'(8 fch S. i. 515). I wish particularly to know (1) what, if any, was the descent of the family from Ormus de Kellet and other early bearers of the name ; (2) what connexion it had with the places Over and Nether Kellet, in North Lancashire ; and (3) what was its right to the arms (on a mount vert a boar passant, sa.) which were " confirmed," not " granted," to Matthew Kellet, of Ripley, Surrey, in 4 Ed ward VI. H. L.

BULLER. I should be glad to have any information concerning Edward and Henry Buller, who were admitted to Westminster School on 30 June, 1774, and Henry Burrell Buller, who was admitted on 17 Sept., 1821.

G. F. R. B.

BYNG. I am anxious to obtain particulars of Edmund John Shanson Byng, who was admitted to Westminster School on 21 Jan., 1784, and of George Byrig, who was admitted on 14 June, 1784. G. F. R. B.

' WINTER'S TALE,' I. ii. 99,

0, would her name were Grace. Can any of your readers explain this pas- sage 1 The earlier passage " Grace to boot " (1. 80) has as yet received no convincing ex- planation ; it may, r may not, be connected with the present one. " ; Tis Grace, indeed," in 1. 105, certainly is. A reading which should gather all three into one net would be very welcome. HENRICUS.

LOG-ROLLING. (See 7 th S. ix. 106 ; xii. 364.) In Longman's for February Mr. Andrew Lang says (p. 375) :

" Somewhere in this book [' Passages from the Correspondence of Rufus W. Griswold '] occurs, about 1845, the phrase ' literary log-rolling,' the earliest instance which one has met."

Is Mr. Lang right, and what is the exact reference ? Q. V.

TENNYSON'S 'DREAM OF FAIR WOMEN.' - Who is the fair woman " who clasp'd in her last trance her murder'd father's head " 1



[Margaret Roper, the daughter of Sir Thomas More.]

BENSON'S LATIN VERSES ON MONKEY STORY. Some time during his reign as Bursar of Trinity College, Cambridge, Francis Martin paid a visit to the Zoological Gardens in London. The monkeys were not then so securely caged as they now are, and while he