Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/217

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9*8. V. MARCH 17, 1900.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


was looking at them one of the tribe snatchec his pince-nez from his nose, and disportec himself with it on round the cage. On Martin's return to Cambridge the story got about, and Archbishop Benson, then a Fellow of Trinity, composed some Latin verses on his friend's adventure. Can any of your readers give me a copy of the verses ? They createc great interest and attention at the time ever outside Trinity. The biographer of the Arch bishop informs me he has no copy in his possession. STAPLETON MARTIN.

The Firs, Norton, Worcester.

GOREY OR GOUREY. Can any of your readers inform me as to the origin anc meaning of the name Gorey or Gourey in the Channel Islands ; whether a family o1 that name ever existed at Jersey; also if the same name in co. Wexford, Ireland, is in any way connected therewith ? M. SHEPHERD.

MARK ON THE SPINE OF CHINESE CHIL- DREN. In Mrs. Archibald Little's book ' In- timate China,' 1899, I find on p. 195 the following curious statement : "The Chinese are all born with a round black mark about the size of a penny at the base of the spine. It disappears generally before they reach eight years old." Is this a characteristic of the Mongols or of any section of the race or of any other Asiatic tribe ? INQ.

DISCOVERIES BY CAPT. EDGE. Capt. Thomas Edge, of London, is said to have made some discoveries in Greenland. I shall be obliged if some one can say where an account of them can be found. KICHARD LAWSON.


BOOKBINDING. I have several books bound in boards covered with coloured cloth with decorated designs, and desire to take off the cloth covers and insert them in an album. Is there any method of effecting this without injuring the colours and decorations 1 I have tried ^steeping the covers in water, but this practically destroys them, since the colours run into one another, obliterating the designs. EDWARD B. HARRIS.

5, Sussex Place, Regent's Park, N.W.

SIR KICHARD CAVE, KNT., M.P. for Lich- field from August, 1641, until disabled as a Royalist in August, 1642. He was the grandson of Richard Cave, a Worcestershire yeoman, and if at all related to the more historical Caves of Northamptonshire, the connexion was very remote. He was slain at Naseby, fighting on the king's side. Is it known when and under what circumstances he received knighthood? W. D. PINK.

" FIGS IN FRUIT." Bacon in his essay ' Of Gardens' reckons among the good out-of- door plants for May and June " figs in fruit." I should be much obliged if any one could tell me what he meant by this.


LADY GERARD. Writing to Montagu on 26 July, 1759 (Cunningham's ed., vol. iii. p. 238), Walpole mentions a portrait of "a Lady Gerard that died at Joppa returning from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem." Who was this lady ? H. T. B.

DEADMAN'S PLACE BURIAL - GROUND. Can you or any one of your correspondents tell me what became of the remains of the persons buried in Deadman's Place Burial-ground, particularly regarding those interred about 1812? Can any one also instruct me regard ing the disposal of the tombstones, and the remains of those buried in the ground attached to the Independent Chapel, belonging to the Dissenters, which adjoined Deadman's Burial- ground 1 Deadman's Place was situated in Southwark, and is now called Park Street. A chapel was situated there, and was known in 1764 as Dr. Watson's Dissenting Chapel. It is stated that the burial-ground referred to is now a part of the brewery of Messrs. Barclay, Perkins & Co. Deadman's Burial-ground is shown in Roque's plan of London, 1746, also in Rendel's map of Southwark, 1542, and the burial-ground is referred to in the following works: Hunter's 'London,' 2 vols., 1811; London Past and Present,' 2 vols., 1891 : ' Burial - grounds of London,' 1896. I find bodies were buried there as recently as 1812. The Rev. Dr. Humphreys, Dissenting mini- ster, is recorded as officiating at a funeral. Were the bodies or remains ever removed? Under what legislative act was Deadman's Burial-ground closed, and when? Is there any work which will give details of this once well-known burial-ground? Cruden, the author of the 'Concordance,' was buried

here. I shall be very grateful for any in-

'ormation whatever.


Hollis, Long Island, U.S.

WILL OF THOMAS GUY. Will some reader >f * N. & Q.' oblige me by a reference at the British Museum or other London library to a opy of the will of Thomas Guy, who died December, 1724, and was the founder of

uy's Hospital ? W. J. GADSDEN.

Crouch End.

CAPT. SAMUEL GOODERE. Can any one help me with the early history of Capt. Samuel