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NOTES AND QUERIES, p* s. v. MABOH 31, im

tinuous ink line, commencing at the tip of the nose. Bound and round it goes, the pen pressed heavily where shadows are required, and lightly traced over plain surfaces. Not only are the thorn-crowned head and nimbus admirably brought out in this way, but the wording beneath, and the whole of the back- ground as well. It is a most remarkable picture. HARRY HEMS.

Fair Park, Exeter.

" HEEL-BALL " OR " COBBLERS' WAX" (9 th S. v. 166). I certainly did not intend to convey the idea that " heel- ball " and "cobblers' wax " were the same, and my surprise when I saw it was greater possibly than that of J. T. F. It is quite forty years since I used either, and I wrote without proper carefulness, forgetting my 'H.E.D.' Many folk have much faith in cobblers' wax as a heal-all for sores, wounds, and boils, and it is said to " draw " the last with good effect as well as " spells " and " splints." THOS. KATCLIFFE.


"THE ROMAN WASH" (9 th S. v. 69). The context would suggest that this was a cos- metic used to impart the swarthy complexion of the sunny South either to such as nad, or wished to be thought to have, accomplished the " Grand Tour," or to such as, like Subtle, possessed or adopted the dark and furtive physiognomical aspect of the occult-science impostor. Such a face-wash would be like " French red," so named in contradistinction to a "white- wash" such as the "oil of talc" ('Alchemist,' III. ii.), which is described by Fuller in his 'Worthies' (ed. 1840, vol. iii. 239) as being made from talc, which, "cal- cined and variously prepared, maketh a curious white-wash, which some justify lawful because clearing, not changing the com- plexion." " Venice soap " was in like manner a fashionable toilet requisite, doubtless in- troduced by the young bloods, who in their ramblings through Italy paid far more atten- tion to their personal appearance and affairs of gallantry than to the affairs of learning which were their ostensible objective.


ST. JORDAN (9 th S. iii. 207, 349, 414, 495 , iv. 76, 483). It is abundantly proved that Jordan was far from a rare Christian name. Among the bearers of it should not Giordano Bruno be included ? JAMES HOOPER.


"ANOTHER TO" (9 th S. v. 124). This

construction, I am aware, made its appear- ance at least as early as 1646 ; but where are ve to find other to which, we are told

'IB constantly appearing'"? A few quota- tions for it would, no doubt, interest philolo- gists.

Again, how is quite, in " quite another meaning," " superfluous "? When things differ at all, do they needs differ altogether! Does not difference admit of degrees? Whoever should impeach the closing words of Byrom's ! amous rimed benediction would betray, most assuredly, a peregrinish urifamiliarity with standard English phraseology. F. H.


This outrageous solecism seems modelled on bhe more common, but hardly less objection- able, one "different to." Another should of course be followed by than, and from this appears to result, by a sort of confusion, another solecism, viz., the use of than after different, which is occasionally found.

Apart from the excusable laxity of pleo- nastic expression, MR. BAYNE'S remark that quite before another is superfluous may be justified by Bishop Butler's pithy dictum " All things that are distinct are equally so." C. LAWRENCE FORD, B.A.


" HUDGER " (9 th S. v. 67). Would not this word be a substantival form of the re- duplicated " hugger-mugger," which in East Anglia (W. Eye's 'Gloss.') means "stingy," and elsewhere in a " hole - and - corner " manner, secretly? Halliwell ('Diet. Archaic Words') has "hudge- mudge" as the equi- valent of "hugger-mugger" in Northampton- shire ; and in the sense of in secrecy, or in a " hole-and-corner "manner, "hugger-mugger " occurs frequently among writers of the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries, no less than with those of to-day, both in this country and in the U.S. J. HOLDEN MACMICHAEL.

" MAYFAIR MARRIAGES " (9 th S. v. 65, 137). E. L. G. may be interested by the enclosed extract from Sims's ' Manual for Genealogists ' (London, 1861), pp. 380-1:

"The Registers commence with the year 1728, and end with 1754. They are contained in twelve volumes, comprising marriages and a few baptisms. Nine of these volumes are now with the Fleet Registers, at the Consistprial Court of London, ana the remaining three with the Parish Registers in the Church of St. George, Hanover Square ; those at the latter are marked (A), (B), and (C). (A) contains 1,020 marriages, commencing 21 Feb., 1735, and ending 27 July, 1744 ; baptisms from 26 March, 1740, to 7 April, 1753. (B) contains about 5,000 marriages, commencing 28 July, 1744, and ending 30 Sept., 1749. (C) Commencing 30 Sept., 1749, and ending 25 March, 1754: from October, 1753, to March, 1754, are 1,136 marriages.

On 24 March, 1754 (the last day), before

eleven o'clock, forty-five couple were married ;