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9th S . V. MARCH 31, 1900.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


and at the close of the day nearly om hundred pair had been joined together, two men being constantly and closely employed in filling up licences. It is affirmed that these documents are not received as evidence of a valid marriage, n licence for the chapel having been discovered to be granted."


The registers of Dr. Keith's chapel were published by the Harleian Society in 1889 The following is a copy of the title-page o; the volume :

"The Registers of Baptisms and Marriages ai St. George's Chapel, May Fair, transcribed fron the originals now at the church of St. George Hanover Square, and at the registry general ai Somerset House."

The chapel recently taken down in Curzon Street was not the chapel in which Dr Keith officiated. Cunningham in his hand- book for London, 1849, states :

"Opposite May Fair Chapel or Curzon Chapel and within ten yards of it, stood Keith's Chapel the chapel of the Rev. Alexander Keith, whose conduct subjected him to ecclesiastical censure, anc in the month of October, 1742, to a public excom- munication."

In the registers will be found the marriage on 11 December, 1753, of Isaac Axford, of St. Martin's, Ludgate, and Hannah Lightfoot, of St, James's, Westminster. Did not MR. THOMS in the earlier series of 'N. & Q.' dispose of this marriage of King George III. (born 4 June, 1738) with Hannah Lightfoot as a myth ? R. C. BOSTOCK.

"Registers and Recordsof Baptisms and Marriages performed at the Fleet and King's Bench Prisons, at May Fair, at the Mint in Southwark, and else- where, between the years 1674 and 1754. These Registers and Records were transferred from the Registry of the Bishop of London to the custody of the Registrar - General under the provisions of 3 & 4 Viet., cap. 92, sec. 20."

The above notice issued by the Registrar- General of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Somerset House, W.C., refers to seven volumes commencing 19 March, 1729, ending 1 November, 1753. Three volumes, con- taining upwards of 6,000 entries between 21 February, 1735, and 25 March, 1754, are at the church of St. George, Hanover Square. The contents of the ten volumes

are described in "The Fleet Registers to

which are added notices of the May Fair, Mint, and Savoy Chapels," by J. S. Burn, London, 1833. EVERARD HOME COLEMAN.

71, Brecknock Road.

RECLAMATION OF TRAETH MAWR (9 th S. iv. 538). I beg to observe that about the year 1799 Mr. W. A. Maddocks, then M.P. for Boston, obtained an Act of Parliament for

enclosing lands at Traeth Mawr, separating Carnarvonshire from Merionethshire. The work for this great embankment was neces- sarily carried on during many years, subject to various vicissitudes and accidents, the sea on the one side and the floods of the Glasllyn on the other often delivering successful attacks. Sometimes the foundation had to cross great peat bogs which lay underneath the sea, and which had to be covered by beds of hurdles and baffins. It was thus the Romans penetrated the morasses in Gaul and Germany to reach the natives who had retired, as they hoped, to safe retreats. After several years the work was carried to a suc- cessful issue, and the embankment and its floodgates in those early days were considered one of the wonders of Wales.

The engineering work was done by my

frandfather, Thomas Payne, a native of enny Compton, in Warwickshire. The number of acres recovered from the sea I forget, but the area is very large.

WILLIAM PAYNE. Woodleigh, Southsea.

LISTS OF NORTHERN FIGHTERS AT FLODDEN (9 th S. v. 126). I have seen printed lists of the fighters from Wharfedale, an( ? was told the originals were in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire at Bolton Abbey. Ex- tracts from the lists are, I think, in a book entitled 'A Thousand Miles in Wharfedale,' which I have not at hand.


On three previous occasions inquiries have appeared in 'N. & Q.' for the names of the killed at Flodden Field on 9 September, 1513. From the replies received I glean that refer- ence should be made to ' Archseologia ^Eliana ' 'New Series, iii.) for an article by Robert White, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and to vol. v.

or a letter from Bishop Ruthal, of Durham,

to Wolsey. There are also 'The Battle of Flodden Field,' by Henry Weber (Edinburgh, L808, pp. 306-365) ; another work by the Elev. Robert Jones, Vicar of Branxton (Black- wood & Sons, 1864) ; and 'A Contemporary to ^he Battle ' in the Proceedings of the Society )f Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. vii. p. 151. See also * N. & Q.,' 4 th S. viii. 549 ; ix. 101 ; > th S. ii. 125. EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

ADELBRIGHT, REX NORFOLCI^E (9 th S. v. 89). I have searched the English chronicles for he above Rex and have failed to find any account of him : also the ' Chronicles of Den- mark and Sweden,' &c., by Albert Krantzius, 548. The notes given in * Monumenta His- orica Britannica,' 1848, which contains