Page:O Henry Prize Stories of 1924.djvu/31

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1924.3. Towers of Fame, by Elizabeth Irons Folsom. $100.

1924.1. The Spring Flight, by Inez Haynes Irwin. $500.

1924.2. Margaret Blake, by Chester T. Crowell. $250.

1924.3. Rachel and Her Children, by Frances Newman. $100.

First possible through gifts by members of the Society of Arts and Sciences, these prizes have been perpetuated through the sale of the volumes. The chairman understands that more than half the receipts from royalties have been converted into these prizes. The various committee members—critics and writers of the short story—have given largely of time and energy, having undertaken the labour out of interest in the American short story and a desire to help in preserving the examples they have adjudged the best.

But for the coöperation of editors and authors, however, this annual volume would be impossible; the present committee thank both for their prompt and cordial assistance. Since the expense incurred in buying magazines is one of the most considerable met by the committee, the chairman would thank particularly those editors who, unsolicited, have sent their publications free of charge.

New York City,
19, 1924.