Page:Ode on the Departing Year - Coleridge (1796).djvu/14

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The boastful, bloody Son of Pride betray'd
His Hatred of the blest and blessing Maid.
One cloud, O Freedom! cross'd thy orb of Light
And sure, be deem'd, that Orb was quench'd in night:
For still does Madness roam on Guilt's bleak dizzy height!


Departing Year! 'twas on no earthly shore

My Soul beheld thy Vision.[1] Where, alone,
Voiceless and stern, before the Cloudy Throne
Aye Memory sits; there, garmented with gore,
With many an unimaginable groan
Thou storiedst thy sad Hours! Silence ensued:
Deep Silence o'er th' etherial Multitude,
Whose purple Locks with snow-white Glories shone.
Then, his eye wild ardors glancing,
From the choired Gods advancing,
The Spirit of the Earth made reverence meet
And stood up beautiful before the Cloudy Seat!

  1. My Soul beheld thy Vision.—i.e. Thy Image in a Vision.