Page:Ode on the Departing Year - Coleridge (1796).djvu/15

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On every Harp, on every Tongue

While the mute Enchantment hung;
Like Midnight from a thundercloud,
Spake the sudden Spirit loud—
"Thou in stormy Blackness throning
"Love and uncreated Light,
"By the Earth's unsolac'd groaning
"Seize thy terrors. Arm of Might!
"By Belgium's corse-impeded flood![1]
"By Vendee steaming Brother's, blood!
"By Peace with proffer'd insult scar'd,
"Masked hate, and envying scorn!
"By Years of Havoc yet unborn;
"And Hunger's bosom to the frost-winds bar'd!
"But chief by Afric's wrongs
"Strange, horrible, and foul!
"By what deep Guilt belongs
"To the deaf Synod, "full of gifts and lies!"
"By Wealth's insensate Laugh! By Torture's Howl!
"Avenger, rise!

  1. Belgium's corse-impeded flood.—The Rhine.