Page:Old English ballads by Francis Barton Gummere (1894).djvu/477

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GLOSSARY, 373 slogan^ the clan-cry. slok^n^ to slake. sloughfy slew. sma^ small. snell^ keen, sharp. snood^ a fillet for the hair. somersy pack-horses. sowdan (Estmerey 65*), sultan, apy infidel king. spatif flood, freshet. sparredy barred. sparrisy barrest. spauldy shoulder. spede (p. p., sped), to prosper. speer, to ask. spendydy spanned, placed in rest. splenty armor. spoUy shoulder. sprgntCy sprang out, spouted. spulyity to plunder. spurne (see note, Ckevioty 65*, 66'), trouble, cause of disaster : ' of- fendiculum.* — Stratmann. (?) spyrredy asked. stagey stag. stage (Monky 39*) ? stalUy place. steatty stone. steary stir, fright. sterney bold ones. stertey started, hurried. stevetty voice (Guyy 52^) ; time (Guyy 27^). stonyty imperative pi., stone. stownde, time. stouvy stowrey stress of battle, at- tack. strakedy stroked. strayghty narrow. streeity yestreen, yesterday even- ing. strockey struck. strong (Armstrongy 10*), violent, with a shade of ' infamous.' styey path, road. styntydy stopped. styrandey stirring, raising. stiary sure. swappedy swaptey struck, smote. swarved = su*armedy climbed (?) (Bartofty 56'). sweavensy dreams. sykey *a marshy bottom with a small stream in it.* — Jamieson. syney since, afterwards. syty sitteth. Tae (for ae)y one ; the toe = that ae ; that being an old form of the definite article. Cf. toney tother. takey to give. taklesy arrows. talents (Estmerey 17'), abundance, great weight. taryedy p.p., delayed. teney trouble. tety tetty lock or knot of hair. they they. they to prosper, thrive. theekity thatched. thimbery gross, thick. thinkethy with dative, seems. thirdiuy the third. thoughty with dative, seemed. thrasty thrust, pressed. threw-, twisted, entwined. thrild (tirled)y shook, rattled (at the latch). throfyy vehemently. throwey space of time. tiendy a tithe, a tax or tribute. ////, puff. ////, tylly to ; while (Bartony 66*). ////, to entice. tiney tyney to lose. tither (tother) y other {that other). tobrokey broken in pieces. tokey gave. toldy counted. Digitized by LjOOQIC