Page:Old English ballads by Francis Barton Gummere (1894).djvu/478

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374 GLOSSARY. ton€y one; the tone = ti2X one. Cf. toe. toontt empty. . topcastle, 'ledgings surrounding the mast-head.' totker, other. Cf^ tae^ tone, to-towe, too-too, excessively. toune, towne^ often means simply an enclosed or fortified place. toWy two. iray^ grief. tre^ tree^ wood, staff, piece of wood. trewy to trust. trystell-treey trysting-tree, mefeting- place. tut, till. twa, two. twaly twelve. twiuy twindf twyned, v. t. and v. i., to part, separate. twine J (Cock^ 5^), a woven fabric, cloth. twinn (in)f apart, in twain. ty/t, see ////. tyndesy tines, antlers. tyne., see tine. Uncoy strange, * uncouth.' unkouth, unkuthy unknown, strange. unneth, scarcely. unsettj not previously appointed. untylly unto ; while. up-chance, by chance, perhaps. Cf. *up peril of . . .' Veiwe-bow {Guy, 15*), yew- bow (?). veratnenty truly. vew-bow (R. H. Death, 27 3), yew- bow (?). vylaynesly, churlishly, rudely. Wache, watch, sentinel. wad, would. wa£, woe. Wallace wight ( Wee Wee Man, 'f), strong (wicht) as Wallace. wame, womb. wan (pret. of win), came. wand, stick, wood ; cage o* wand, wooden cage. wane {wone, wune), habitation. wane {Cheviot, 36*).^ — See note. war, waur, worse. waran, protection, surety. warison, reward. warlock, wizard, demon. warsle, wrestle. . • wat, know ; a wat, • I wot, for- sooth. wayte, to watch ; wayte after, to lie in wait for. waythmen, hunters. weal {Cheviot, 60'), clench, so as to leave * wales .': Skeat (with ?), who also suggests altering the phrase to *wringe and wayle.* weate {Barton, 47*) ? wedde, pledge. weede, wedes, clothes. weet, weit, wet. well-fared, well-favored, hand- some : cf. ill-far* d face. Tarn Lin, 40^ well-wight {Cock, 16*), right hardy. welt (past tense of welden), com- manded, disposed of. wete, to know. wether, whither. whae, who, what. whang, thong. w^«//^«, what kind of. whereas, where. whether, whither. whun, whin, furze. whyll, while, until {Otterburn, 5o3). Digitted by GoOglC