Page:Old maids.pdf/3

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Come under my plaidy. the night's gaun to fa',
Come in frae the cauld blast the drift and the snaw
Come under my plaidy, and lie down beside me,
There's room in't, believe me, dear lassie for twa;
Come under my plaidy, and lie down beside me,
I'll hap you frae ev'ry cauld blast that will blaw,
Come under my plaidy, and lie down beside me,
There's room in't, dear lassie, believe me, for twa,

Gae awa' wi' your plaidy, auld Donald, gae awa',
I fear na' the cauld blast, the drift nor the snaw;
Gae awa' wi' your plaidy I'll no lie beside ye,
Ye might be my gutchard auld Donald gae awa';
I'm gaun to meet Johnny, he's blythe and he's bonny
He's been at Meg's bridal fu' trig and fu' braw;
O there's nane dance sae lightly, sae gracefu' sae tightly,
His cheeks are like roses, his brow's like the snaw.

Dear Marion let that flee stick fast to the wa',
Your Jock's but a gowk and has naething ava'
The hale o' his pack he has now on his back;
He's thretty, and i am but threescore and twa:
Be frank and be kindly, I'll busk ye aye finely,
At kirk or at market they'll nane gang sae braw;
A bien house to bide in, a chaise for to ride in,
And flunkies to tend ye whatever ye ca.

My father aye tell'd me, my mither an' a',
Ye'd mak a gude husband, and keep me aye braw