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It's true I lo'e Johnny, he's young and he's bonny
But wae's me I ken he has naething ava:
I hae little tocher, ye've made a gude offer,
I'm now mair than twenty, my time is but sma';
Sae gie me your plaidy I'll creep in beside ye.
I thought ye'd been aulder than threescore and twa

She crapt in ayont him beside the stane wa',
Where Johnny was listening and heard her tell a'
The day was appointed, his proud heart it dunted,
And strack 'gainst his side as if bursting in twa.
He wander'd hame weary, the night it was dreary,
And thewless he ti(illegible text)t his gate 'mang the deep snaw,
The owlet was screaming While Johnny cried Women
Wed marry Auld Nick, if he'd keep them aye braw

O the devil's in the lasses they gang now sae braw
They'll lie down wi' auld men o' threescore an' twa
The hail of their marriage is gowd ea'a carriage,
Plain love is the cauldest blast now that can blaw
Auld (illegible text)tards, be wary, tak tent wha ye marry,
Young wives wi' their coaches they'll whip an' they'll ca
Till they meet wi' some Johnny that's youthfu' and bonny,
An' they'll gie you a horn on ilk haffet to claw.


O ken ye wha Meg o' the mill has gotten?
And ken ye wha Meg o' the mill has gotten?
She has gotten a coof wi' a claut o' siller,