Page:Omnibuses and Cabs.djvu/49

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A Shillibeer Song

      "I will not for certainty vouch for the fact,
         But believe that he means to run over the Act
         Which Parliament pass'd at the end of last year,
         Now made null and void by the new Shillibeer.

        "His elegant omnis, which now throng the road,
         Up and down every hour most constantly load;
         Across all three bridges how gaily appear,
         The Original Omnibus—George Shillibeer.

        "These pleasure and comfort with safety combine,
         They will neither blow up nor explode like a mine;
         Those who ride on the rail-road might half die with fear—
         You can come to no harm in the safe Shillibeer.

        "How exceedingly elegant fitted, inside,
         With mahogany polished—soft cushions—beside
         Bright brass ventilators at each end appear,
         The latest improvements in the new Shillibeer.

        "Here no draughts of air cause a crick in the neck,
         Or huge bursting boiler blows all to a wreck,
         But as safe as at home you from all danger steer,
         While you travel abroad in the gay Shillibeer.

        "Then of the interior I safely may say
         There never was yet any carriage more gay,
         While the round-tire wheels make it plainly appear
         That there's none run so light as the smart Shillibeer.

        "His conductors are famous for being polite,
         Obliging and civil, they always act right,
         For if just complaint only comes to his ear,
         They are not long conductors for George Shillibeer.

       "It was meant that they all should wear dresses alike,
        But bad luck has prompted the tailors to strike.
        When they go to their work, his men will appear
       À la Française, Conducteur à Mons. Shillibeer.