Page:On to Pekin.djvu/110

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"I hope he proves a friend."

"Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad plan to write to some first-class lawyer in Richmond, asking him to look the matter up for you. Very often you can get a lawyer to take up a case on shares, if he thinks there is money in it."

"That's an idea!" cried Gilbert. "I know a lawyer, a good fellow, named Branders, whom I met in Cuba. He was from Richmond, and I know he'll do all he can for me."

"Then write to him by all means, stating your case in detail, and tell him that you are going to hunt up Amos Bartlett, if you can."

"I suppose I can mail the letter at Nagasaki."

"To be sure, and it will go quicker than if you had mailed it at Manila."

"This Polk seems to be very thick with Nickerson. I wonder if they have talked me over between them."

"If they talk your case over, it is a pity that you can't hear what is said," returned the major, pointedly. "I believe I would watch every move they make, so far as was in my power."

"I will."