Page:On to Pekin.djvu/111

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"Polk is no doubt your enemy; and you have a perfect right to get the better of him, if you can."

By this time others were coming up, Captain Banner and two under officers; and the talk became general, the coming campaign in China being, however, the chief topic of conversation.

Gilbert was sitting with his back to a window opening into the upper cabin of the transport. As the topic of conversation shifted, a form arose from a settee standing in the cabin, close to the window, the sash of which had been lowered to let in the air. The form was that of Jerry Nickerson, and the young man had taken in all that had been said.

"So he is going to write to Ralph Branders, eh?" he muttered, as he strode off. "And he is going to sound Amos Bartlett, too. I reckon this will make interesting news for Nuggy. I'll have to hunt him up at once, and see what he has to say about it."