Page:On to Pekin.djvu/262

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point, the holy man caught Gilbert around the body, and raised him to his feet.

The young lieutenant now felt that he must either do or die, and he resolved to put up the best fight possible. "I'd rather die fighting than be beheaded," he muttered; and, exerting all his strength, he hit the old Buddhist in the stomach with his elbow, and knocked the priest flat.

At once the follower, who had the axe, leaped forward; and for the moment it looked as if Gilbert would be slain where he stood. But, as the blade descended, the young Southerner sprang to one side, and the axe struck the stone flooring. At the same moment came a call from outside.

"Help! help!" cried Gilbert, at the top of his voice. "I am in the joss house! Help!"

"Sto—stop him!" gasped the old priest, as he sat up, out of wind. "Stop him! " And he continued to call out in Chinese.

But now came a crash on one of the windows of the joss house, followed by a rapid succession of blows; and two of the boards were sent flying over one of the idols. Then a soldier appeared in the opening. A gun was levelled, and a report followed.