Page:On to Pekin.djvu/263

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The man with the axe dropped the weapon, and sank down, fatally shot through the chest.

"Dan Casey!" burst out Gilbert. "Quick, cover the priest!"

"Is it indade you?" came from Dan Casey. "Sure, an' phwat were the haythins up to now, tell me that?"

"They were going to behead me! The priest—quick, Dan!"

Gilbert broke off short; for the Buddhist had leaped upon him, and now had him by the throat. The turn of affairs had rendered the holy man frantic; and he was foaming at the mouth, while his eyes shone like twin stars.

The lights around the idol lit up the scene well, and Dan Casey did not hesitate over what to do. Again his rifle came up; and, as it spoke out, the old Buddhist tottered back, shot through the hip. Once he got up again, but Gilbert easily leaped from his reach. Then he rolled over to the foot of the idol, and lay still.

By this time Casey was coming through the window. Making a leap, he landed on the shoulder of the nearest idol, and from there reached the floor.