Page:On to Pekin.djvu/49

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"Hurrah! Here come the boys who are bound for China!"

"Good luck to you, boys! Wish I was going with you!"

"Don't let the Chinks get the best of you! Stick up for Uncle Sam and Old Glory every time!"

Such were some of the cries as the command to which Gilbert was attached swung across the bridge which spanned the river Pasig, and marched through the streets of old Manila to the barracks assigned to them previous to their departure for China.

It was a warm, pleasant evening, and the thoroughfares were alive with people,—Americans, natives, Spaniards, Englishmen, and likewise a good sprinkling of Chinamen. But the latter had already heard of the sending of troops to their native land, and they took good care to keep in the background for fear of a riot in which they might come off second-best. All