Page:On to Pekin.djvu/50

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was gayety, with scarcely a thought of the terrible struggles which had occurred in that vicinity but a few months before.

The barracks were gained, and, while the band was playing one of the popular airs of the day, the companies were dismissed to seek their quarters and make themselves as comfortable as circumstances permitted.

"Gilbert! I was hoping I should find you!"

The exclamation came from a tall, handsome young fellow wearing the uniform of a captain of volunteers; and, as the young lieutenant turned, he found his hand tightly clasped by his old chum, Ben Russell.

"Ben!" cried Gilbert. "I am ever so glad to meet you. I was afraid I should have to leave Luzon without seeing you. How have you been?"

"First-rate, Gilbert. And you?"

"Oh, I'm all right except for a slight wound in the shoulder. We had a final brush with the guerillas yesterday, and bagged nine of them. But what are you doing here?"

"I came down on a special mission for the general. Larry is with me, as a member of my company. Here he comes now."