Page:On to Pekin.djvu/77

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"How long have the pair been at the hotel?"

"About ten days."

"And what vessel are they going to take for China?"

"The Orient. But she sails at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and I doubt if they awake in time to go on board," concluded the clerk. As far as he was concerned, he did not wish the two guests to catch the steamship. They had paid well for their accommodations, and he felt inclined to have them remain with him as long as possible.

Having seen to it that the Tagal owning the cart had been paid for bringing the two yoimg men to Manila, Gilbert took his pony back to the livery stable, and then made his way to the barracks. He had not learned a great deal concerning the Richmond Importing Company, yet he had gathered sufficient information to set him to thinking deeply.

"Those Polks are rascals beyond a doubt," he said to himself. "But there is a big difference between knowing a thing and being able to prove it. I hope, when I get to China, that I shall have a chance to hunt up Mr. Bartlett and to watch what Nuggy Polk does."