Page:On to Pekin.djvu/78

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It was late when the young lieutenant turned in; and, as the pony ride had made him tired, he slept soundly, and did not awaken until the roll of the drum aroused him. Dressing hastily, he stepped out to the parade ground in front of the barracks.

The scene was an animated one, for a crowd had gathered to see the regulars off. As soon as the companies could be formed, they were marched to the wharf at the Anda Monument; and here numerous cascoes began to take men and equipments off to the Logan and the other transport which were to carry the soldiers on their journey up the China and Yellow Seas.

"Off at last, eh!" cried a voice in Gilbert's ear; and, turning, he saw Ben Russell at his elbow. Ben had but a few minutes to spare, and a short but lively conversation ensued. Then the old chums shook hands; and Gilbert stepped into the casco which was to take him to the transport. The friends were destined not to see each other again for a long, long time.

A band was playing on the Lunetta, the great pleasure ground of Manila, as Gilbert went on board the transport. Many had preceded him, and