Page:On to Pekin.djvu/90

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"What! you?" stammered Gilbert. For the moment he did not know what to say.

A brief glance told him that Nuggy Polk had entirely recovered from his spree of three days before; and so, also, had Jerry Nickerson. Both were freshly shaven, and dressed in clean outing suits of the latest pattern; and they looked as bright young Americans as are to be found anywhere.

"Yes, lieutenant," went on Nuggy Polk, with a good-natured laugh. "As I said before, you didn't expect to see me, did you?"

"Hardly," answered Gilbert, slowly. He was trying to determine how he should treat this fellow, who was in reality his enemy. "How did you manage to obtain passage on this transport?"

"Oh, I had to use a bit of diplomacy in order to get myself and my friend Jerry aboard; and it wouldn't be just right to expose how it was done.