Page:On to Pekin.djvu/91

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You see, our little outing to the military camp up at the Manila water-works made us miss the regular steamer. But I was bound to get to China, anyway, and as soon as possible; and here we are."

"Perhaps you intend to join the army?" suggested Gilbert.

"Hardly." Nuggy Polk glanced at Major Morris. "Won't you introduce your friend? I know precious few fellows on board, and I should like to get acquainted."

The major was introduced; and then Nuggy Polk introduced "his one particular friend," Jerry Nickerson.

"Sorry I can't invite you down to the bar," said Polk. "But the government isn't up to date on those things." And he gave a light laugh.

"And a good thing," answered Major Morris. "We want to keep all our soldiers sober." He spoke pointedly; for Gilbert had told him of the first meeting with the sporty young man, and also of his family affairs, so far as they concerned the doings of the Richmond Importing Company.

Nuggy Polk's face grew red, and he looked on the point of saying something bitter; but this passed off,