Page:On to Pekin.djvu/92

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and he changed the subject by remarking that he hoped the trip to China would prove a pleasant one.

"I understand Nagasaki is the first stop," put in Nickerson. "How long do you suppose it will take to reach that Japanese port?"

"Five or six days, most likely," answered Gilbert. "It will depend somewhat on the weather. These waters are full of islands and reefs, and a ship has to be mighty careful how she runs in foul weather."

"I hope we reach China in time to see the first real fighting," was Major Morris's comment; and then he was called away, and Gilbert was left alone with his new acquaintances.

"Lieutenant, I owe you something for what you did for us the other night," said Nuggy Polk, confidentially. "I don't know how I should have got back to Manila if it hadn't been for you."

"I am glad I was of service to you," answered Gilbert, coolly.

"But I owe you something, and I want to pay you," insisted the young man from Richmond, as he drew his ever-present roll of bills from his pocket.

"I want no pay for what I did at Manila," answered the young lieutenant, decidedly.