Page:Ora Maritima.djvu/124

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Multa aedificia antiqua spectabam. Multa aedilicia antiqua speciabas. Multa aedificia antiqua spectabat. Multa aedificia antiqua spectabamus. Multa aedificia antiqua spectabatis. Multa aedificia aniiqua spectabant.

The large vessels of British sailors are mostly (§ 13) black ; but the little boats are sometimes white, sometimes blue, sometimes yellow. Last year, while (§ 16) I was in Kent, I used-to-see many British sailors. They were all sun-burnt. Some^ of the sailors used-to-taitoo (say colour) their Umbs. The clothes of British and French sailors are blue. British sailors mosily have sturdy hmbs and a great stature. Our sailors sail round the coasts of all lands, as the Roman sailors used-to-sail round the coasts of the Mediterranean.^ A British sailor does not fear storms.

§ 19. {^Adjedives and Past Imperfect Indicative continued^ Werc all the inhabitants of ancient Britain Celts? I think not.^ Some of the ancient inhabitants of our island were not barbarous. The inhabitants of Kent were mo>.tly farmers, as they are now.* Many of the inhabitants of Kent were Belgians (§ 15). Were not the Bclgians a German tribe (§ 18) ? Does not Gaius Juhus so affirm in his book about the Gallic war ? The German tribes were moderately civiUzed, but the ancient Cclts of Britain were not civilized.

'The word for 'some' tnust stand in the Noininalive Case and be Masculine Plural, because ' some of the sailors ' means ' some iailors of l)ie sailors' ; see the example in § 1 1 of the siory.

  • Say ' ihe .Mediterraneaa ocean.' ' .Mediierranean ' is an A Ijective, mean-

ing ' Mid-land,' and is in Latin Mtditifraneus (a,ui/i).

  • A very conimon way of saying ' I ihink not,' ' I hope not," and so forlh in

Latin is ' I do not think,' ' I do not hope,' etc

  • Remember that ' now ' is an Adverb.