Page:Ora Maritima.djvu/125

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§ 20. [So/ne uses of the Ablative without a Preposition : sce sunnnary of these uses at the eiid of frefarations § 20.) '

{A.) In ihe second century before ihe birth of Christ^ Britain was free. The boys and girls (§ 15) of the uncivilized Britons were free from lessons. The savage (§ 18) Britons togetlier with their sons used-to-kill stags and wild-boars in the woods with S])ears and arrows. They used-to-catch (§ 7) wild-beasts with hunting dogs (§ 19) for the sake of food.

{B.) The civiHzed Britons used-to-adorn^ their Unibs with golden chains and with precious-stones (§ 19). By nieans of the vcssels of the Veneti they used-to-export corn to Gaul. The Druids were the teachers of the childrcn of the civilized Britons. The Romans used not to fight with chariots. They used-to-fight wilh barbarous tribes for the sake of victory and gain (§ 9). They used often to kiU their ca[)tives ; but sometimes they used to seU the captives at a great price (§ 9).

^NoTEON THE AuLATiVE wiTHOUT A Prkposition. The foUowing English Picposilions are to be Iranslatecl by the Ablative without a Preposition in certain cases.

  • Froni,' when it comes after 'free' (liber, §12) and 'I am free ' {vaco, §6).

'In' or 'At,' when it comes befure a Noun denoling timj, as 'in ihe second ceniury,' secundo saeculo (§10), 'at what o'clock?' quold hora'i (%2.). Also bcfore a Koun oenoling price or value, as 'at a great price,' tita^no pretio (§9).

' With,' when it mcans ' by means of,' or fornis a phrase answering ihe question 'how?': as 'they used to fight with spears and arrows,' hastis et sagiltis pugnabant (§18), ' they used to fight with great courage,' inagna audacii pugnabant ; ' hideous with ra.x%,' fluviis foedum (§17); ' fiUed with victims,' victitnis plena (§20) ; ' crowded with children,' liberis creber (§ 15).

' By nicans of ' is generaliy to be translated by thc Ablative alonc.

[A fuller account of how to translate Englibh Prepo^itions is given at the cnd of this book.]

"^ Here and in future exeiciscs where Ihe phrase ' before the biuh of Chrisi' occurs, say before Christ born.

' Use the verb orno, I adorn, I ornamcnt.