Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Minerva, Hebe, Neptune, etc., asleep in the skies, Morpheus alone is awake.
The Gods.Let us sleep;
Let our sleep never end,
As the only happiness after all
In Olympia is to sleep.
Ron, ron.
Mo. Ron! ron! ron! ron!
Cu. (stepping gently.) I am Cupido, my love
Has played truant.
I just came this morn
From a voyage to Cythera.
A profound mystery
Covers my return.
They all sleep,
Let us sleep also. (Falls asleep.)
Ve. (enters mysteriously.) I am Venus, my love
Has played truant.
I just came this morn
From a voyage to Cythera.
A profound mystery
Covers my return.
They all sleep,
Let us sleep also. (Falls asleep.)
Ron! ron! ron! ron!
Ju. (awakes suddenly.). By Saturn! what means this noise
That awakes us during the night?
It is Diana, my darling daughter,
Who blows the horn of joy.
Hallo! let every one awake!
(The Gods awake yawning, the clouds disappear—Olympia.)
Ju.Above all, no yawning;
With joy and gaiety
Salute the goddess.
Let us obey the constitution.
(Enters Diana.)
Hail to Diana the huntress.
Ve. Why so sad?
Di. Nothing can equal my torments.