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more educated, countries, incidence of communicable disease have shown dramatic fall in the last 50 years.


Each infections disease is caused by a district type of germ and virus which is too small to be seen with human eye, but can be seen with the help of a powerful microscope. An Infection disease becomes a community problem because its prevention and control require the team work of health workers and community.

To avoid this, safety measures should be taken like having immuniation abimcrobial chemotherapy, improved nutrition and better sanitation.


Body produces antibodies and antiloxims in the blood. The antibodies are gamma, globin a type of protein which renders the invaders in the body helpless. For (eg) by causing them to clump together. So that they can be deat more easily by second defence mechanism. The antioxins neutralise the poisons produced by the invaders.

The mechanisim is provided by the white cells in blood which are of different types, some of which swallow up and destroy the germs. Their fight can be very easily compared with fight between two forces on a boundary line of two countries. If it is of recent origin it is the polymorphs in blood. If it tends to become chronic or long duration lymphocytes jumps in hymphycocytes increases in tuberculosis, malaria and syphilis Eosinophils increase in asthma. (allergic condition worm injection and skin