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disease). Where as monocytes increase in T.B, malaria and brucellosis. Anti bodies are anti-loxim can be transformed from one individual to another and are used in medicine to prevent and cure infection. This is known as immuniyation which can be active as well as passive,


Infectious desease are those which spread from one person or from source to the other but without the direct knowledge of the person who is suffering from it.

The mode of transmissions mainly through water, air and by contacts or by animals.


The water which we use either for bathing purpose or drinking purpose should be very clean. The water source should be checked. That source should be closed, if water should be chlorinated. The reservoiers should be cleaned and should be properly and periordically cleaned. More over, the pipe lines through which the water supply is done should be very clean and out of rust. Above all, the water which we drink should be boiled.


This is one of the very important combat-measures of infection of air. As the disposal of carbages should be done properly, so that the polution of air is avoided, Disposal of human waste products, and death bodies If industrial wastage should be done properly. Disposal of hospital waste must be done. If, public should be awars of these things and they should enter their co-operation in this so that we may avoid the environmental polution.