Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/131

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SEPT. 3.


SEPT. 4.

Middleton & Withnell came to help shear.

SEPT. 5. 6. 7.

The same.

SEPT. 8.

Middleton returned.

SEPT. 9.

The same -

SEPT. 10.

Sunday. Self out cattle hunting, saw many of them & Smoky with calf 2 days old -

SEPT. 11.

As above.

SEPT. 12.

Finished early.

SEPT. 13.

W went home, we cleared up. Mr M & MCLeod made up fleeces.

SEPT. 14.

Treading wool, for which we had not packs before, marking same.

SEPT. 15.

Stowing wool in shed. Mending paulin, cleaning well, shoeing horses. Lewington returned, having had a holiday.