Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/77

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Sunday. Horse hunting; found bull with broken leg doing well.


Same work as usual.


Two hands at wall, a large piece of which fell in the night.

APRIL 13 & 14.

Men hunting stock, shoeing horses, fetching wood & water. Self in search of ram which Green had been compelled to leave the night before, too ill to walk; found him late; & carried him home a long way; & did what I could for him.


Horse hunting, quarrying stone, carting hay.

Withnell arrived at station at about 7 p.m.

Heard 1 gun from the "Ripple" at 8 p.m. previous night & would have gone down, had there been a second.


Went down with two horses & Withnall to render what assistance I could; as the poor fellow was much in need of some, after his heavy losses. Told McCourt & Green to start down with bullock dray & dingy at 2 p.m. Met flock of sheep south of marsh; men & sheep scarcely able to walk, or move, for want of water; left one horse with them & told one man to ride with their bucket 6 miles to Dig-