Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/78

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down, & fetch water for others; which would not take him more than 3 hours; after some delay got on board "Sea Ripple", about 5 miles out from site of house; saw Cringle, bought 6 lbs of Tobacco, dined, borrowed some books; & went on shore after sundown; told Withnall to remain; & see the ship cleared of his goods; (as the Captain talked of starting early in the morning) & his wife & family landed. I returned to sheep & found them near Dig-down; men already there, in better spirits; & o only 3 sheep left by the way. McCourt & Green arrived with dray at the same time as I did.


Sunday. Went down to Inlet with Green, to look after 7 sheep left there; & write letter to Mr. Wellard; found 5 sheep dead in a heap, 1 dying & 1 strong. Two boats came on shore, one with Mrs. Withnall & children without breakfast; ora drop of water; & it blazing hot; poor little children crying for some. I told Mrs. Withnall the bullock dray was at the head of the marsh, with 8 gallons, of water, waiting for her, & the lost sheep about 2 miles off. I had a row with 2 of the sailors - one because he asked for water; & said the women could do as well without as he, (wrote a hasty letter) Collected traps together, put Mrs. Withnall's sister on one horse, with one child, carried the other; & gave Mrs. Withnall my horse with bundles on to lead; so off we went, the men