Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/80

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absence & also today. I sent Lewington down with 2 horses for Mc C & Withnall to come up when they could, Lewington to remain & work the boats till all the provisions were out of danger.

All horses mustered from lower run.


Men at work on pigsty. Self hunting stock.


Men the same work. Self after stock. Brought in 10 cows with calves, home. Withnall & Hancock came here with provisions to go in search of his horses. A large piece of our stone wall fell down at night, during the rain.


Withnall, Hancock & McCourt started with stallion, Bobby & Ney, after horses left by "Sea ripple" at Port Hedland. Men as previously & self attending to their wants. Went down to "Dig-down" with horse to assist Mrs. Withnall & family up to station; as the weather has the appearance of much rain; & they have no tent.


Sunday. Went down to marsh with 2 horses for dray, brought up such things as would be required with by Mrs. W. with much difficulty; as the horses were too weak.


Came home with women & traps; just in time to avoid a complete deluge of rain, which would have drenched them.