Page:Papers of William Shakespeare Hall, 1861–1895.pdf/81

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Much of Joe's stone wall fell during the night.


Too much rain for working or stock hunting.


2 hands at stone work. Self hunting up stock; but could not cross the river; as it had risen about 10 feet. Heavy shower.


Started with 2 men to assist me in extricating any cattle, which might be bogged; as the plains had become very so soft, that one could scarcely walk through them the day previously; after crossing much water up to one's middle & neck, found the river still impassable. Sent the men home & started for "Dig-down", with the intention of looking to my own affairs; & the state of Withnall's party. Also hunting cattle en route, up the other side of river. -


Crossed river early, when I found a good breakfast very acceptable; as I had started quite unprepared for being out for the night. Finding party, bullocks, boats &c all right, came up & camped on the horse run. Found it rather too cool (cold) at night in only shirt & trousers.


After a good tramp round of inspection of stock, put them