Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/55

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The Garden of pleafant Flowers.

Martagon Conſtantinopolitanum maculatum.

The red ſpotted Martagon of Conſtantinople.

We haue another of this kinde, that groweth ſomewhat greater and higher, with a larger flower, and of a deeper colour, ſpotted with diuers blacke ſpots, or ſtrakes and lines, as is to be ſeene in the Mountaine Lillies, and in ſome other hereafter to be deſcribed; but is not ſo in the former of this kinde, which hath no ſhew of ſpots at all. The whole plant as it is rare, ſo it is of much more beauty than the former.

2. Martagon Pannonicum, ſiue Exoticum flore ſpadiceo.

The bright red Martagon of Hungarie.

Although this Martagon or Lilly bee of another Countrey, yet by reaſon of the neereneſſe both in leafe and flower vnto the former, may more fitly be placed next vnto them, then in any other place. It hath his roote very like the other, but the leaues are ſomewhat larger, and more ſparſedly ſet vpon the ſtalke, elſe not much vnlike: the flowers bend downe, and turne vp their leaues againe, but ſomewhat larger, and of a bright red, tending to an Orenge colour, that is, ſomewhat yellowiſh, and not crimſon, like the other.

3. Martagon Luteum punctatum. The Yellow ſpotted Martagon.

1. This Yellow Martagon hath a great ſcaly or cloued roote, and yellow, like vnto all theſe ſorts of turning Lillies, from whence springeth vp a round greene ſtrong ſtalke, three foote high at the leaſt, confuſedly fet with narrow long greene leaues, white on the edges vp to the very toppe thereof almoſt, hauing diuers flowers on the head, turning vp againe as the former doe, of a faint yellowiſh, or greeniſh yellow colour, with many blacke ſpots or ſtrakes about the middle of the leafe of euery flower, and a forked pointell, with ſixe chiues about it, tipt with reddiſh pendents, of a heauie ſtrong ſmell, not very pleaſant to many. It beareth ſeede very plentifully, in great heads, like vnto the other former Lillies, but a little paler.

2. Martagon Luteum non maculatum. The Yellow Martagon without ſpots.

The other yellow Martagon differeth in no other thing from the former, but onely that it hath no ſpots at all vpon any of the leaues of the flowers; agreeing with the former, in colour, forme, height, and all things elſe.

3. Martagon Luteum ſerotinum. The late flowring Yellow Martagon.

There is yet another yellow Martagon, that hath no other difference then the time of his flowring, which is not vntill Iuly, vnleſſe in this, that the flower is of a deeper yellow colour.

The Place.

The knowledge of the firſt kindes of theſe early Martagons hath come from Italy, from whence they haue bin ſent into the Low-Countries, and to vs, and, as it ſeemeth by the name, whereby they haue bin ſent by ſome into theſe parts, his originall ſhould be from the mountaines in Macedonia.
The ſecond ſort is ſufficiently knowne by his name, being firſt brought from Conſtantinople, his naturall place being not farre from thence, as it is likely. But the next ſort of this ſecond kinde, doth plainly tell vs his place of birth to be the mountaines of Pannonia or Hungarie.
The third kindes grow on the Pyrenæan mountaines, where they haue been ſearched out, and found by diuers louers of plants, as alſo in the Kingdome of Naples.