Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/56

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The Garden of pleaſant Flowers.

The Time.

The firſt early Martagons flower in the end of May, or beginning of Iune, and that is a moneth at the leaſt before thoſe that come from Conſtantinople, which is the ſecond kinde. The two firſt yellow Martagons flower ſomewhat more early, then the early red Martagons, and ſometimes at the ſame time with them. But the third yellow Martagon, as is ſaid, flowreth a moneth later or more, and is in flower when the red Martagon of Conſtantinople flowreth. And although the early red and yellow Martagons, ſpring later then the other Martagons or Lillies, yet they are in flower before them.

The Names.

The firſt early red Lillies or Martagons haue beene ſent vnto vs by ſeuerall names, as Martagon Pomponeum, and thereafter are called Martagon of Pompony, and alſo Lilium or Martagon Macedonicum, the Lilly or Martagon of Macedonia. They are alſo called by Cluſius Lilium rubrum præcox, the one anguſtiore folio, the other latiore folio. And the laſt of this kinde hath the title flore phæniceo added or giuen vnto it, that is, the Martagon or Lilly of Macedonia with gold red flowers.
The Martagons of Conſtantinople haue beene ſent by the Turkiſh name Zufiniare, and is called Martagon, or Lilium Byzantinum by ſome, and Hemerocallis Chalcedonica by others; but by the name of the Martagon of Conſtantinople they are moſt commonly receiued with vs, with the distinction of maculatum to the one, to diſtinguiſh the ſorts. The laſt kinde in this claſsis, hath his name in his title, as it hath been ſent vnto vs.
The Yellow Martagons are diſtinguiſhed in their ſeuerall titles, as much as is conuenient for them.

Chap. V.

Lilium Aureum & Lilium Rubrum. The Gold and Red Lillies.

THere are yet ſome other kindes of red Lillies to bee deſcribed, which differ from all the former, and remaine to be ſpoken of in this place. Some of them grow high, and ſome lowe, ſome haue ſmall knots, which wee call bulbes, growing vpon the ſtalkes, at the ioynts of the leaues or flowers, and ſome haue none: all which ſhall be intreated of in their ſeuerall orders.

Lilium pumilum cruentum. The dwarfe red Lilly.

The dwarfe red Lilly hath a ſcaly roote, ſomewhat like vnto other Lillies, but white, and not yellow at all, and the cloues or ſcales thicker, ſhorter, and fewer in number, then in moſt of the former: the ſtalke hereof is not aboue a foote and a halfe high, round and greene, ſet confuſedly with many faire and ſhort greene leaues, on the toppe of which doe ſtand ſometimes but a few flowers, and ſometimes many, of a faire purpliſh red colour, and a little paler in the middle, euery flower ſtanding vpright, and not hanging downe, as in the former, on the leaues whereof here and there are ſome blacke ſpots, lines or markes, and in the middle of the flower a long pointell, with ſome chiues about it, as is in the reſt of theſe Lillies.

Lilium rubrum multiplici flore.This kinde is ſometimes found to yeeld double flowers, as if all the ſingle flowers ſhould grow into one, and ſo make it conſiſt of many leaues, which notwithſtanding