Page:Paul Samuel Reinsch - Secret Diplomacy, How Far Can It Be Eliminated? - 1922.djvu/93

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in February, 1906. The Powers represented there again sol- emnly recognized the independence and integrity of Morocco. Meanwhile, various incidents were brought on by the actions of French and Spanish commissaries in Morocco. The French parlia- ment repeatedly reiterated its intention to ob- serve the act of Algeciras, particularly in the dec- laration of February, 1909, regarding Morocco, in which declaration Germany joined. In 1911, events happened which induced a serious Euro- pean crisis. The French Government undertook military operations against Fez, the capital of Morocco, on the ground that the foreign colony there was in danger. In reply to questions in the House of Commons, Sir Edward Grey con- firmed that such measures were being undertaken by the French Government "for the succor of Europeans in Fez." He added: "The action taken by France is not intended to alter the po- litical status of Morocco, and His Majesty's Gov- ernment cannot see why any objection should be taken to it."

The facts of the Fez affair have been thus de- scribed by the French publicist, Francis de Pres- sense :

"At this point the Comite du Maroc and its organs surpassed themselves. They organized a ca