Page:Paul Samuel Reinsch - Secret Diplomacy, How Far Can It Be Eliminated? - 1922.djvu/92

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final form. It was, however, not ratified because of British opposition at the time. In 1904, the formation of the Anglo-French Entente agree- ment, in which the French Government declared that it had no intention "of altering the political status of Morocco," was accompanied by the con- clusion of a secret understanding concerning Morocco which was not revealed until 1911. Ac- cording to the terms of that agreement the Brit- ish Government was to be informed of any under- standing on Morocco which might be concluded between France and Spain. These two coun- tries, in fact, on October 3, 1904, consummated a convention for the partition of Morocco into spheres of influence. A copy of this secret agree- ment was given to Lord Lansdowne, the British Foreign Minister, who wrote, in acknowledging it : 1 'I need not say that the confidential character of the. Convention entered into by the President of the French Republic and the King of Spain in regard to French and Spanish interests in Mo- rocco is fully recognized by us, and will be duly respected."

The German Government, which had been ig- nored, now suggested the holding of an interna- tional conference. After considerable opposition the conference met at Algeciras,