Page:Peleus and Thetis.djvu/14

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Prometheus. Son of Saturn, take Advice
From one, whom thy ſevere Decree
Has furniſh’d Leiſure to grow wiſe:
Thou rul’ſt the Gods, but Fate rules thee.


Whoe’er th’ Immortal Maid compreſſing
Shall taſte the joy, and reap the Bleſſing,
Thus th’ unerring Stars adviſe:
From that auſpicious Night an Heir ſhall riſe,
Paternal Glories to out-ſhine,
And be the greateſt of his Line.


Jupit. Shall then the Son of Saturn be undone;
Jupit. Like Saturn by an impious Son!
Jupit. Juſtly th’ impartial Fates conſpire,
Jupit. Dooming that Son to be the Sire
Jupit. Of ſuch another Son.


Conſcious of Ills that I have done,
My Fears to Prudence ſhall adviſe,
And Guilt that made me great, ſhall make me wiſe.

Accompanied Recitative.

The fatal Bleſſing I reſign; [Giving her to Peleus.
Peleus, take the Maid Divine,
Jove conſenting, ſhe is thine;
The fatal Bleſſing I reſign.
