Page:Peleus and Thetis.djvu/15

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Peleus. Heav’n had been loſt, had I been Jove:
Peleus. There is no Heav’n like mutual Love.

Jup. to Prom. And thou, the Stars Interpreter,
’Tis juſt I set thee free,
Who giv’ſt me Liberty:
Ariſe, and be thy ſelf a Star.
’Tis juſt, I ſet thee free,
Who giv’ſt me Liberty.

[The Vulture drops dead at the Feet of Prometheus, his Chains fall off, and he is born up to Heaven with Jupiter, to a loud Flourish of all the Muſick.]


Peleus. Fly, fly to my Arms, to my Arms,
Peleus. Goddeſs of Immortal Charms!
Peleus. To my Arms, to my Arms, fly, fly,
Peleus. Goddeſs of tranſporting joy!
Peleus. But to gaze
Peleus. On thy Face,
Peleus. Thy gentle Hand thus preſſing
Peleus. Is heav’nly heav’nly Bleſſing.[Da Capo.
Peleus. O my Soul!
Peleus. Whither, whither art thou flying?
Peleus. Loſt in ſweet tumultuous dying,
Peleus. Whither, whither art thou flying,
Peleus. O my Soul!

Accompanied Recitative.

Thetis. You tremble, Peleus—ſo do I:
Thetis. Ah ſtay, and we’ll together die,
