Page:Penny-worth of wit (4).pdf/5

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to buy a penny-worth of wit.
But I have kept the penny ſtill,
and ne'er ſo much as thought of it.
Where ſhall I go to lay it out?
true wit is ſcarce and hard to find;
But come my lads let's drink about.
my wife's ſmall venture we'll not mind.
There is a proverb often us'd,
wit's never good till bought too dear,
Where I right well may be excus'd
there's little for a penny here.
An aged Father ſiting by,
whoſe venerable locks were gray,
Straight made the merchant this reply,
hear me a word or two I pray.
Thy Harlot in proſperity,
ſhe will embrace for thy gold,
But if in want and miſery,
you'll nought but frowns from her behold,
And ready to betray thy life,
when wretched, naked, poor and low
But thy true hearted faithful wife,
will ſtand by thee in well or woe;
If thou wilt prove the truth of this,
ſtrip off thy gaudy rich array,
And ſo return to thy proud Miſs,
declare that thou was caſt away.
Thy riches buried in the main;
beſides, as you paſs'd through a wood,
One of your ſervants you had ſlain,
for which your life in danger ſtood.
Beſeech her for to ſhelter thee,
declare on her you do depend:
And then, alas! full ſoon you'll ſee.
how far ſhe'd prov'd a faithful friend,
Then if ſhe frowns go to thy Wife;
tell her this melancholy thing.
Who labours moſt to ſave thy life,