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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011
Viet-Nam Contd.
11 42 On occasion of all imminent or actual communist attempt to seize control from within, take action in accordance with U.S. policy. Prepare contingency plans to facilitate such action. (OCB Assignment: Defense, State. Timing - Continuing) Assigned to: JCS
11 43 Jointly with other SEATO powers, or separately, when appropriate, continue to encourage Viet-Nam to send military observers to SEATO military exercises, when such invitations have been extended. (OCB Assignment: Primary - Defense; Support State; Timing - Continuing) Assigned to: JCS
11 44 Continue to implement the military assistance program for Viet-Nam. (OCB Assignment: Primary - Defense; Support - State; Timing - Continuing) Assigned to OASD/ISA
Support: JCS
11 45 Seek to influence Vietnamese defense planning so that it will be consistent with U.S. and SEATO plans. Promote a spirit of cooperation among the Vietnamese officials and people in order to develop an atmosphere favorable to the deployment of U.S. forces, if they should be required in the defense of Viet-Nam. (OCB Assignment: Primary Defense; Support - State; Timing - Continuing) Assigned to: JCS
12 46 Develop through training, the maximum combat capabilities of the Vietnamese armed forces, including logistical support services. Develop adequate reserve forces. The present Vietnamese armed force level of 1500,000 should be kept under constant review, relating such review to the external menace. Constant efforts should be made to cut the man-year costs of Vietnamese troops. (OCB Assignment: Primary - Defense; Support - ICA, State; Timing - Continuing) Assigned to: JCS