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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


Viet-Nam Contd.

12 47 The U.S. should continue to provide adequate support to the Vietnamese military budget as long as the threat of aggression so requires. The U.S. should exert continuing efforts to effect reductions in over-all military costs and to induce the Vietnamese Government to reduce the total amount of Vietnamese resources available for financing the military budget and economic development. Provide equipment to the Vietnamese forces in conformity with U.S. policy in connection with the Armistice Agreement. (OCB Assignment: ICA, Defense, State; Timing - Continuing) Assigned to: OASD/ISA
Support: JCS
12 48 Encourage, within the limitations of available spaces, attendance of Vietnamese military personnel at schools of the U.S. armed forces and at appropriate foreign schools operated or sponsored by the U.S. armed forces. Maintain U.S. advisors with all major units and schools of the Vietnamese armed forces. (OCB Assignment: Primary - Defense; Support - ICA, State; Timing - Continuing) Assigned to: JCS
Support: OASD/ISA
12 49 Encourage Viet-Nam to participate in the Pacific Defense College when established. (OCB Assignment: Primary - Defense; Support - State; Timing - Continuing) Assigned to: JCS
13 51 Support the Vietnamese Government's psychological warfare program against the communist zone with a view to inciting dissatisfaction and encouraging defections. Endeavor to prevent ineffective violence or other self-defeating actions by dissidents. (OCB Assignment: All agencies; Timing - Continuint) Assigned to: JCS