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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


such as the Mekong Valley Project and the Southeast Asia telecommunications network.
e. Seek to allay animosities between various free Far Eastern countries, urging moderation and mutual respect between parties to the dispute and taking an active role as channel tor communication and supplying good offices where that would serve our general interests.

11. In order to strengthen the economies of the free Far Eastern countries and thereby promote U. S. military, political and economic objectives, the U. S. should:

a. Be prepared to furnish economic and technical assistance on a continuing basis over an extended period of time as can be used effectively (1) to supplement the domestic resources of certain countries receiving military assistance to enable them to carry on otherwise insupportable defense burden without politically disruptive economic deterioration, and (2) to promote the steady economic development of free Asian countries at a rate adequate to give their peoples a sense of present progress and future hope and to strengthen their orientation toward the free world.
b. Continue to assist in the economic development of the area on a bilateral basis, while encouraging