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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011



34. With respect to the Free World area of the Far East, the U.S. over-all policy must be the unwavering support of territorial and political integrity against direct aggression, or subversion by the Communists and, at the same time, support the development of a mutuality or interests among the free Asian nations and between them and the United States.

35. The United States over-all policy toward the Sino-Soviet Bloc in Asia must in turn be an unwavering opposition to the efforts of the Sino-Soviet Bloc to expand its territorial political hegemony in Asia or the Western Pacific.

36. In the event of Communist overt armed attack or imminent threat of such attack against any county in the area not covered by a security treaty to which the United States is a party, the menace to U.S. security interests would be so grave as to justify the President, to take necessary action, including the use of U.S. armed forces, to deal with the situation. In each event, the United States should consider the advisability of taking the issue before the United Nations.

37. If requested by legitimate local government which requires assistance to defeat local Communist subversion or rebellion not constituting armed attack, the United States should view such a situation so set, in action to giving all possible covert and overt support within the Executive Branch authority, the President should consider taking additional action, including the use of the U.S. military forces.