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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

38. Continue to recognize the Government of the Republic of China as the only legal government of Chine and its right to represent China in the United Nations, UN agencies and other international organizations; seek to obtain increasing international support for the GRC and otherwise take steps to maintain and advance its international standing.

39. Continue to refuse recognition of the Chinese Communist regime and other Asian Communist regimes and avoid actions which might contribute to their international standing and prestige, such as the seating of any or these regimes in the United Nations, its agencies, or other international organizations.

40. If any specific issues arise in our relationships with unrecognized Communist regimes where efforts at negotiation of these issues would seem to produce a net advantage to the U.S. be prepared to negotiate such issues.

41. Promote the tenure and standing of friendly governments which are striving earnestly for economic and social advancement.

42. Consistent with our continuing aim of encouraging democratic growth, especially respect for basic human rights, encourage the establishment of strong responsible executive-type governments, taking care to avoid aligning ourselves irrevocably with one man as head of the government.